Saturday, December 24, 2011



Today I have felt like crap! Last night my boyfriend and I got into it a little bit and then moved on. Well at least he has moved on as far as I know. Me on the other hand, well, let's just say I have the tendency to overreact but also have the tendency to once something comes up I can't forget. So like last night for instance, he started talking bout what my best friend would do if he told her he needed a break from our relationship. I told him that she would beat his ass, and fuss him out. Well he starts getting all technical and crap making me think he was thinking something well this had happened w=one time before so needless to say it pissed me off and i started getting upset. So my dad types to him because he was siting right nect to me he says "you know talking like this upsets Miranda don't you David?" and He types back and says "it was a random topic she said to pick a random topic" So i type back and say "But you wouldnt pick that topic unless you were thinking bout something" and it goes on and on but we finally move on to different topic in conversation. But any way so i text a friend and she calls me and we talk for a good while and i felt really good after the conversation ended. Sooo Now i am jsut wanting to know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN NOW!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!??!
What have I done wrong?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Love Poem

My love for you runs deeper than the deepest part of the oceans, is stronger than the strongest animal, and will last for eternity. When I think about you my heart starts pounding and everything just becomes a blur. When I see you and you look upset and won't tell me what's wrong it hurts because I just want to be able to help but I let it go because I know you would tell if you wanted me to know. I say it time and time again but I love you more than words can say! Whenever I'm not with you my heart yurns for you, my mind is constantly filled with thoughts of you, and I think to myself that I can see myself with you and having a future together. I don't know about you but this is how I feel because you hold the key to my heart!

I LOVE YOU!!!!! <3